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When you are not paying attention, the cat will secretly change its teeth? ?


1.The composition of the cat's teeth
Like humans, cat teeth are divided into two stages, called deciduous teeth and permanent teeth. Baby teeth start appearing in the 3rd week after a cat is born. By the time the cat is 6 weeks old, the baby teeth are almost fully formed. As the cat ages, the cat will start to grow permanent teeth at 4 months old, and will lose milk teeth continuously at 5 months old, and finally at 6 months old, the permanent teeth will also grow in all. . At this time, you will often find baby teeth on the floor, of course, it is also possible that you just swept away without paying too much attention. So one day, you suddenly find that your cat has secretly changed its teeth.
This is the baby tooth I found when my cat fell out when I was sweeping the floor. This is the 5th tooth I have collected.

2.The state of cats when they change their teeth

When cats change their teeth, their gums will swell, and they don't like to eat hard things. At this time, you need to focus on the diet. Try not to give him hard food, but cats like to bite things. You can prepare some plush cat toys to let him grind his teeth and help him change his teeth.

My cat keeps looking at me when she loses her baby teeth

3.What we can do when cats are changing their teeth

If the cat is in the stage of tooth replacement, as the cat owner, you should first pay more attention to the cat's behavior and find out the baby teeth he spit out in time. If you don't find it, it's fine. Just wait until he has a bowel movement. If you find that your cat's teeth are not in good condition, or the baby teeth are not easy to loosen, you need to take him to the veterinarian in time to find out the problem as soon as possible.