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What should I do when the dog suffocates?

Dog choking often occurs after the dog eats a large piece of food or accidentally eats a foreign body. The dog’s breathing is difficult due to the foreign body stuck in the throat and blocked the trachea. You may want to take your dog to a pet hospital for help from a veterinarian. But suffocation is very urgent, and you can't wait for the doctor to help your dog. You need to take immediate action to save your dog. This article will teach you some ways to help dogs vomit foreign objects.


1. First, you need to fix your dog so that they don't move. Because the choking dog will struggle very much and it will hurt you.

2. If there is a collar or rope around the neck, please cut it with scissors immediately.

3. Open the dog's mouth and determine the location of the foreign body.

4. If the foreign body is in the upper part of the throat, you can take it out directly with your hands.

5. If you find a foreign body stuck in his throat, don't try to take it out with your hands, because this will make the foreign body move more and more inside. We need to use Heimrick’s abdominal impact method to help the dog spit out foreign objects

6. Place the dog's back against your abdomen

7. You use one hand to find the abdomen under the dog's ribs.

8. Pull or squeeze up quickly and vigorously for 3 to 4 times.

9. If you don't get the foreign object out of the dog's mouth for the first time, try a few more times.

10. If the foreign body still does not come out of the dog's mouth after 4-5 attempts, or the dog still cannot breathe, please send it to the nearest veterinary clinic immediately.